International Campaign

Visit York works on an annual programme of engagement and promotion with the travel trade in conjunction with VisitBritain, UKInbound and England’s Historic Cities consortium.

While overseas markets are gradually recovering post pandemic, we will mirror the target markets that VisitBritain has set out for their international campaigns, relevant to the North of England.  These are:

1: USA

2: China

3: Germany

4: Netherlands

5: Australia & New Zealand

If you’d like to get involved in joint-marketing opportunities to promote our city – and your business - overseas, then we’d love to hear from you.  Drop a line to Samantha Hunt at or have a chat with our membership team.

In the meantime, here’s a taste of some of the activity we’ve undertaken to keep York and our partners front of mind:

  • Showcasing our city at global trade events such as World Travel Market and ITB Berlin
  • Meeting agents and operators from our target nations during webinars and workshops, both online and overseas
  • Targeting visitors in China, with our innovative social media influencer programme, which already has over 550,000 followers and is regularly ranked on Weibo in the top 20 for DMOs worldwide
  • Creating a bespoke York trade toolkit featuring our key partners and a York specific presentation featuring all key partner venues as well as a dedicated programme of pre and post follow up for all events, with introduction emails to interested operators
  • Working with Custom GB on a series of articles and newsletters going out to the US travel trade
  • England Originals campaign with England's Historic Cities continues to promote York as one of cities featured on the Treasure Trove itinerary to the US travel trade and DMCs