Art & Culture, Arts & Crafts

Needlefelt a Spring Picture

28th Mar 25, 11:00am - 1:00pm
Location: 32 Stonegate, York, YO1 8AS, United Kingdom
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Friday 28th March 11am – 1pm

Want to learn how to needle-felt or to improve your skills?

Make a Spring themed picture in this fun and relaxing 2-hour workshop with established textile artist, Brenda Christison, from Felty and Fabulous. You will start by sketching your ideas and then learn 2D needle felting techniques to create a picture to take home. All equipment provided, including a selection of Spring flowers and scenes to inspire you and gorgeous wool colours to choose from. Beginners and those with experience welcome! Age 10+. Children to be accompanied by an adult.

This class will be held in Fabrication York at 32 Stonegate YO1 8AS

Access: The Fabrication shop has step access from the street. The class area is located at the rear of the shop floor in a separate room. Toilets are on the first floor and accessed via stairs only.

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