Music, Jazz, Rock

CPWM Presents: Mica Sefia

23rd Jan 25
Location: York Theatre Royal
01904 623568 Call Us
Mica Sefia VY Main

Liverpool born, London based future-soul Artist Mica Sefia endorses the interpretive nature of music as an art to be studied and related to by the public. Mica’s own exploration of self-expression solidified her passion in the production of a timeless and authentic style of music. Preferring to keep her lyricisms and narrative open to interpretation, Mica relates to a balanced approach to songwriting, in which her music remains subjective, but retains its emotive sensitivity. Mica’s music leans into the genre of Alt Soul, Jazz and Soft Rock Intertwining to create atmospheric sounds and textured layers.

This show is part of The Old Paint Shop Season in our Studio

Seating for this show will be in cabaret style and unreserved so be sure to grab your seats early and get a drink at the bar!

Running time: TBC

Venue: The Studio, York Theatre Royal

Price: £15

York Theatre Royal Opening Hours

Monday | 1pm-5pm
Tuesday to Saturday | 1pm-8pm (5pm on non-show days)

Monday to Saturday | 10am – 5pm

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