Yorkshire Day Celebrations in York

Every year on the first weekend of August, York City Centre buzzes with the spirit of Yorkshire as we celebrate Yorkshire Day! This grand event takes place right in the heart of the city, bringin' together York folk and visitors for a series of excitin' activities and events.

Yorkshire Day was first celebrated on August 1, 1975, by the Yorkshire Ridings Society. However, it wasn’t until 1985 that it became an official event, marked by the first 'Official Yorkshire Day Civic Celebration' in York. 

Tradition dictates the format of this unique event, beginning with a breakfast gathering followed by a vibrant street parade. Yorkshire’s Mayors, in their robes and chains of office, along with their attendants, other civic leaders, VIPs, and members of the Society, will march to a special thanksgiving service in York Minster. 

From August 1st to 4th 2024, both visitors and residents of York enjoyed:

🐞 Launched on 1st August, York Trailblazers trail - people joined us in celebrating the incredible people that shaped York's history. They found the sculptures of the tansy beetles dotted around the city to learn more about these trailblazers.

🛍️ Four Days of Yorkshire Market, courtesy of Little Bird Artisan Market, was open daily from 10.00am to 5.00pm.

🎠 A vintage carousel was spinning in St Sampson's Square from 9.00am to 5.00pm.

🍹 Thor's Orangery served refreshing drinks from 11.00am to 9.00pm on Thursday to Saturday, and until 8.00pm on Sunday.

🛒 The Shambles Market and Shambles Food Court were bustling with activity, offering a fantastic array of local goods and produce.

🎁 Yorkshire Day Giveaway! Visit York members gave away fantastic Yorkshire-themed prizes on Visit York Instagram. (24th July - 4th August)

🌟 An amazing array of Yorkshire Day offers were available at participating shops, restaurants, and attractions across York, including 10% off at Pairings Wine Bar!

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Get Involved in Yorkshire Day!

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Shambles Market ▸

Venture into the bustling city centre and find the ever-popular Shambles Market. These stalls will provide the perfect unique shopping experience, guaranteed to be an animated and vibrant atmosphere, perfect for Yorkshire Day.

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Shambles Food Court ▸

Discover the Shambles Food Court nestled within the renowned Shambles Market, steeped in historical Yorkshire charm. Indulge in the flavours of delectable street food, available every day of the week.

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Eat & Drink ▸

Whether you want a Yorkshire roast or just a refreshing pint, take your pick from one of York's many incredible restaurants, cafes, and pubs.


Summer in York ▸

York is the perfect place to have your dream summer day out. This Yorkshire Day and beyond, enjoy the wide array of attractions, beautiful gardens, and summer events in the city.

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Visit York Visitor Information Centre ▸

For a bit of extra inspiration and information, pop into our award-winning Visit York Visitor Information Centre, where you’ll be greeted with a warm Yorkshire welcome.