Trailblazer 9️⃣: York Young Carers

Trailblazers York Young Carers 2

Listen to the York Young Carers' Story

About The Sculpture

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Researched by: York Young Carers

Designed by: Zoe Phillips - By Deckle and Hide

Unpaid Young Adult Carers aged 16-25 from the York Carers Centre worked with artist Zoe Phillips to represent unpaid carers in York, including both identified and hidden carers. The group reflected that carers share similar experiences and circumstances but have unique stories in their own right. Therefore, it would be difficult to find one Trailblazer to represent them all. They felt the sculpture would be impactful if it enabled carers to recognise themselves as Trailblazers for the roles they hold, sacrifices they make and difficulties they go through for the love of the person they care for.

"It should be not what it appears - with lots going on underneath."

The group were taken by the grace of the Tansy Beetle’s exterior, also the power and resilience of the driving legs and inner workings underneath the shell. They felt this gave a perfect metaphor for a carer.

Meet The Artist

Zoe Phillips

Zoe is an inclusive mixed media artist who explores our connections with objects and the narratives they hold. Her work invites conversations about how we view and interact with the world.

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About The Design

York Carers 2

Trailblazers Sculptures 16

York Carers

❝The inspiration for this piece was the Young Carers group themselves, celebrating their own journey as trailblazers. So much work goes on beneath the surface that many remain unaware of. The cogs represent these inner workings and acknowledge that time is an ever present narrative.

The response to this brief shows the inner workings and the complex and multifaced roles that individuals take on. The piece invites people to reframe how they may view the world, to reflect upon assumptions and expectations, to think about barriers to inclusion and accessibility and ask whether sometimes we are are too quick to judge, do we really know all that's going on beneath the surface?

This piece was especially influenced by the work of Mark Doel, who explored Social Work through associated objects. This very element and connection with the inanimate runs heavily through Zoe's work, she trained as a prop maker and has always created objects to facilitate the telling of a narrative. Zoe also has a passion for traditional crafts, much of her work is with brass, porcelain and leather.

The trail is a fantastic was for the community to come together creatively and celebrate, educate and explore the incredible people and groups within York both from the past and currently; inspiring and celebrating future trailblazers.

Working with the Young Carers group is something close to my heart, facilitating and celebrating voices and individuals that may find it difficult to find time and space for themselves. Giving opportunity to invite others to learn more, and ask questions about the challenges faced and how individual paths are forged forwards. Like the Tansy Beetle, obstacles are overcome, and just as the beetles population has slowly started to build again, how important is it for people to come together, and how important 'community' is for support, strength and progression.❞

Discover York Trailblazers

Grip Map

Trail Leaflet & Map ▸

Download the trail map, your essential guide to uncovering all the sculptures and diving deeper into the fascinating stories of the York Trailblazers. For the cycling route, click here.


Meet the York Trailblazers ▸

Explore all 17 York Trailblazers, discover how they influenced York's history, and learn about the artists who brought their stories to life.


Meet The Artists ▸

Get to know the talented artists behind the sculptures and see how they artfully integrated the trailblazers' lives onto the Tansy Beetle.


Audio Guides ▸

Immerse yourself fully in the trail with our free audio guides. Discover the inspiration behind the sculptures and learn about how these incredible people of York made history.


Trail FAQs ▸

What is the York Trailblazers Trail? How long will the trail take to complete? What will happen to the sculptures? And more FAQs!

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Metalwork Creations ▸

Learn more about Tom Springett of Metalwork Creations, the production company behind the beetles, who bring a rich background of metalwork that has seen an international audience.


Accessibility Guide ▸

We are committed to ensure our events are available for everyone to enjoy. Read our guide for more information on the accessibility of the trail.


Survey ▸

We would love to hear your feedback on the York Trailblazers Project. Complete the survey to share your thoughts on our most recent trail.


Women and Diversity in Ancient and Tudor York ▸

An extra trail for those wanting to discover more inspiring women of York and the learn about the diversity of the city.


Discover the York Trailblazers: A Deep Dive into Their Stories ▸

This blog offers a deep dive into York Trailblazers sculpture trail, exploring the rich histories of Trailblazers like Anne Lister and W. H. Auden, and their lasting impact.