Trailblazer 6️⃣: Faith Gray

Trailblazers Faith Gray 4

Listen to Faith Gray's Story

About The Sculpture

Find me at: Grays Court Hotel

W3W: ///mixed.erase.dices

Nominated by: York St John

Designed by: Martha Beaumont

Faith Gray (1751-1826), born in York in, dedicated her life to improving the conditions of girls and women in York. Her legacy of compassion and social progress endured beyond her death, paving the way for future generations of women reformers.

Married to William Gray, a philanthropist and founder of Grays Solicitors, Faith was deeply committed to social reform. She established spinning and knitting schools to provide education, training, food, and clothing for young girls, enabling them to earn a small income. She also founded the York Female Friendly Society, offering mutual support during illness for working women.

Faith was instrumental in reforming Girls education in York, ensuring it provided proper schooling and vocational training. Active in the anti-slavery movement, she collaborated with notable figures like William Wilberforce and supported Hannah More’s social and educational activism.

Faith Gray

Discover York Trailblazers

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Trail Leaflet & Map ▸

Download the trail map, your essential guide to uncovering all the sculptures and diving deeper into the fascinating stories of the York Trailblazers. For the cycling route, click here.


Meet the York Trailblazers ▸

Explore all 17 York Trailblazers, discover how they influenced York's history, and learn about the artists who brought their stories to life.


Meet The Artists ▸

Get to know the talented artists behind the sculptures and see how they artfully integrated the trailblazers' lives onto the Tansy Beetle.


Audio Guides ▸

Immerse yourself fully in the trail with our free audio guides. Discover the inspiration behind the sculptures and learn about how these incredible people of York made history.


Trail FAQs ▸

What is the York Trailblazers Trail? How long will the trail take to complete? What will happen to the sculptures? And more FAQs!

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CRESCENGO - The Jewels of York ▸

CRESCENGO - The Jewels of York, created by SLAP Collective, is a mobile experience where you collect hidden jewels and discover York's history while immersing yourself in its vibrant sounds and stories.


Metalwork Creations ▸

Learn more about Tom Springett of Metalwork Creations, the production company behind the beetles, who bring a rich background of metalwork that has seen an international audience.


Accessibility Guide ▸

We are committed to ensure our events are available for everyone to enjoy. Read our guide for more information on the accessibility of the trail.


Survey ▸

We would love to hear your feedback on the York Trailblazers Project. Complete the survey to share your thoughts on our most recent trail.


Women and Diversity in Ancient and Tudor York ▸

An extra trail for those wanting to discover more inspiring women of York and the learn about the diversity of the city.


Discover the York Trailblazers: A Deep Dive into Their Stories ▸

This blog offers a deep dive into York Trailblazers sculpture trail, exploring the rich histories of Trailblazers like Anne Lister and W. H. Auden, and their lasting impact.